Comunidad de Práctica de IL: Grupo de Afinidad de Género

<span>CCT event – everyone welcomed!<br></span><br><span><br></span><br><span>Feed the Future Innovation Lab Community of Practice: Gender Affinity Group Thursday&nbsp;</span><br><span>&nbsp;</span><br><span><span>The meeting will be going over proposed activity streams for the Gender Affinity Group based on past discussions.</span><br><span>Please take a look at the&nbsp;</span><a href=”″>Mural board prior</a><span>&nbsp;to the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please leave a stickie with your name and email in the interested to participate section so we can capture your interest.</span> <br></span><br><span>&nbsp;</span><br><span>February 10th from 11-12:30 PM ET</span><br><span>&nbsp;</span><br><span>Zoom line:&nbsp;</span><span></span>


10 de febrero de 2022


16:00 - 17:30


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