ILCI Operations Call
On the ILCI operations office hours we’ll discuss issues around technology use, project management, project databases, communications platforms, reporting, etc. Have a topic you’d like to discuss on a call? Reach out to Devon on Slack or via email.
Who can attend? Anyone on the project, though the calls are intended for project managers, lab managers, comms staff, and anyone whose focus is largely on implementing or managing project activities. Please feel free to forward this invite on to others, and the events are listed on the ILCI internal page event calendar, as well:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 707 239 4034 Passcode: GREAT
Call agendas:
Call notes / recordings:
Upcoming topics:
- May 31: On this call we’ll go over international travel planning, and be joined by Faith Bartz Tarr, our USAID representative, for an informal Q&A around USAID’s travel policy, the intentions behind the policy, and how (and why) to notify the project about upcoming trips. We’ll also be joined by Tammy Thomas, the ILCI business manager, to answer any questions about travel reimbursements and budgets. Please share any questions in advance to Devon by May 24th to help us structure our agenda and the Q&A.
- June 28: For this month’s operations call we’ll be joined by Jim Morris-Knower, Research & Global Initiatives Librarian, and Sara Wright, Life Sciences Librarian for Research, who are working with ILCI to provide training and support for project teams. They’ll provide an overview of library opportunities and resources available to ILCI. Each COI already has or will shortly have a library point of contact, whose role is to coordinate any training needs or journal article requests. This call will help other COI team members better understand how to utilize these library resources, and what support requests they can approach their points of contact with.
- July 26: For this month’s call we’re welcoming LaTrese Taylor, the iREACH program manager based with the Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab (SIIL), for an informal exploration of how ILCI teams can engage with iREACH, and how iREACH can help ILCI teams share their work with a broader audience around West Africa.