Dil Thavarajah portrait
Dil Thavarajah


Dil Thavarajah is currently leading Clemson University’s pulse biofortification research program to combat malnutrition and obesity. Thavarajah co-leads the Phenomics component of the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Crop Improvement.

Thavarajah started the first USA Pulse Quality and Nutrition Laboratory at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, in 2010. Before these positions, Thavarajah worked at the Canadian lentil biofortification program at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Thavarajah is internationally recognized as a leader in lentil biofortification, especially for iron and selenium. Thavarajah advises graduate and undergraduate students and serves as an honorary visiting lecturer, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, and an advisor to the ICARDA Lentil Biofortification program.

Thavarajah holds a PhD in Plant Physiology and MSc in Soil Science from the University of Saskatchewan and a BSc in Soil Science from the University of Peradeniya.

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